“ In the past I have tried every fade diet of the time at no long term or positive effect. In 4 weeks time I have learned so much from breathe work, meditation, new lifestyle of eating and exercise, self-love and a well-rounded positive outlook about my health my mental state. My energy level is amazing and at my last doctor visit 2 days ago I have lost 16 pounds and reduced dosage of medications. I am so thrilled and happy and can’t wait to see what the next 8 weeks will bring.”


Private One to One Coaching

transformational journey

Private one-to-one coaching is unlike any other relationship you’ll experience because we are solely focused on you FOR YOU. You are the agenda. Your desires, your goals, your challenges. We focus on what’s important to you and where you want to go. Then live forward toward you becoming your best version. That takes action and it takes a plan.

Clients come to me when they feel stuck and stagnate and want to see results. Some are riddled with guilt and shame because of many bad choices or failed attempts. I meet my clients where they are and rather than dwell in the past, we work from a clean slate and move forward. In general most of us all want to feel good - in our body, in mindset and deep in our soul. It’s easy to forget what that feels like. I’m here to get you there.

Our coaching partnership is based in honesty, trust, accountability, possibility and unconditional positive regard. You are amazing. I know this and I’ll help you remember that too.

What do you want to create with your one precious life?

I’m fiercely devoted to my clients success and happiness.

Clients work with me for my compassion, knowledge, wisdom, humor, and above all, for life altering results. I’m deeply invested in continuously supporting my clients while they grow, heal and thrive.

My mission is to help you LIVE Forward and Take ACTION.


“I underestimated how hard it would be adjusting to menopause but with Kirsten’s help, I was able to regain focus and get my body back.”


Here’s Your Next Steps

It begins with a conversation.


Step 1

Schedule Your Consultation

Reach out to see if we’re a good fit. We’ll schedule a phone or video call so you can get your questions answered. We will address your main goals, concerns and challenges so you leave feeling confident you want to work with me.

Step 2

Complete Assessment

This assessment not only allows me to learn more about your health history, routines, eating style, habits, desired changes - it also allows you to get a good look at your present situation, strengths and areas needing more attention.


Step 3

Program Launch Intensive

During our first appointment we will take a deep 3-hour dive and assess where you are now and get clear where you want to be. We then design and develop your customized health map for the 6-12 months coaching container.

Step 4

Coaching Journey Begins

We’ll meet regularly to review your progress and keep you moving forward, planning out your desired action steps and how to hold you accountable. You’ll develop life skills necessary to keep you on your path long after our coaching time ends.

What’s To Expect

You’ll receive 100% custom-tailored and personalized health coaching to address your biggest challenges and specific goals. However all individual programs include these 7 components.


I invite you to take a deep dive into your current life, habits, routines, prior health history and annoying symptoms. During this 90-minute intake session you’ll be able to get a neutral look at where you currently stand. This is the start of a new you.


As I get to know you, you’ll get to know you too. It’s important to know who you are, what drives you, the way you operate and how you show up in life so that we can efficiently and effectively strive to meet your health goals. Self-discovery is a wonderful part of this journey.




This is where we put it all together and create your custom-tailored, personalized health map for the coming weeks based on 6 distinct areas of your life - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental. These areas are the pillars for building your hormonal health.




You are what you eat, it’s especially true when it comes to hormonal health and midlife. I’ll provide you with your own personalized macros, beneficial supplements, shopping lists, organizational calendar and share flavorful, healthy recipes developed by yours truly.


Your health journey depends on incorporating more zen into your life. Mindfulness practices are key to well being. They allow us to feel grounded, connected and centered. Without them, you can feel lost and unsettled. I’ll teach you tools you can use any where at any time to help you find peace. This includes meditation, breath work, yoga, journalling and some other personal mindful hacks.




Life is constant and chaotic. I know questions and situations can come up between sessions so you’ll have 24/7 access to me via text or email. In my experience coaching, while illuminating, can also cause old blocks, traumas and beliefs to surface. I’ll provide you with emotional support as you make subtle shifts in mindset, lifestyle and habits.


My goal is to educate, inspire and motivate you with lifelong sustainable changes so you can show up as your best version. Then it’s up to you. We will check-in again 30 days after our last coaching session to see how you are doing.



“Kirsten has been a powerhouse in helping me make some big shifts in my life.”


Invest in Your Health and well-being

Quick-fix mentality doesn’t work. It wastes valuable time, energy and money. Let’s create lifelong changes together.

Need More Info About Coaching? Check Out Frequently Asked Questions.

Kirsten Gum Coaching

NBC-HWC Health and Wellness Coach Kirsten Gum holds certifications as a master nutrition, health and lifestyle coach, yoga instructor, meditation facilitator, breathwork guide and gourmet chef. She is also an internationally recognized television journalist and host who spent decades traveling the world informing and educating a global audience.

She considers herself an avid earth girl, spending as much time outdoors as possible hiking, biking, camping, climbing mountains and connecting with Mother Earth.

Her mission is to encourage, educate and inspire millions of clients to prioritize their health by sharing powerful, potent and proven tools to connect with their own being - physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually and environmentally.

 Live with Passion & Purpose!

Ways to Work Together

  • 1:1 Private Coaching

    You have my full attention and support. We get clear about your vision and together, we create a future that allows for everything you want and who you want to become.

    female coach consoles frustrated and emotional client
  • Group Coaching

    This group is a safe space to explore what you want to create more of and the accountability to start to create it.

    Next group starts in October 2023.

    group of happy women supporting each others healthy lifestyle choices
  • Workshops & Events

    I regularly hold workshops both virtually and in-person so we can laser focus on a topic and how it may be affecting you. Sign up for my emails so you never miss an event!