“Kirsten has been a powerhouse in helping me make a positive shift in my life!
She’s been a friend and a guide in keeping me accountable to do the work that I need to do, so I can be a better version of myself. I am so grateful to Kirsten for her beautiful support and coaching that has helped me reveal old habits and negative thought patterns so I can redirect for a more positive and healthier relationship with myself and with others.”
Meet Kirsten Gum
My mission in this second half of life (50’s) is to move you forward in whatever way you desire. It is as simple as that. I want to help you THRIVE.
My strategy is helping one client at a time remember their greatness, trust their choices, love themselves and reach for the life they want - that’s YOU! You must first put on your own oxygen mask before you can help others, right? You’ve head the phrase many times, I’m sure, but now it’s time to take it seriously and put it into action.
Let’s face it, when we are young, we have great dreams and are open to all sorts of possibilities because time is on our side - if not today, then next week, next month, next year.
But over the years, our choices, actions and consequences start stacking up. We lose track of time and our true dreams for life.
We get stressed, distracted and sleep deprived. There’s never enough time for healthy living - eating right, moving, getting enough sleep. It all gets put to the side as we choose to numb out or check out for a little relief from it all. Next thing we know, we have no energy, no motivation and our not sure just where we are going and why?
It can be shocking. I know because it happen to me.
My Story: My Why
From Mover - to Mess - to Mastery
I began life as a doer, avid athlete, overachiever, type-A personality determined to be successful and get everything I wanted out of life. I had a successful career in journalism and traveled the world informing and entertaining millions. I competed in adventure racing at a professional level. I became a business owner, catered retreats, taught classes and thrived on new cultural experiences. I made money and lived lavishly.
It worked beautifully. Until it didn’t.
I hit early menopause at 42 and had no idea what was happening. In my head, that happened to older women, not me, in my prime? You see, I was told I could have it all and I believed it - a career, a family, and my fun. Now I had to face never becoming a mother, still single and feeling out of control as my life passed me by.
Obviously I didn’t understand hormones or the final womanly transition all woman will go through in life (first is becoming a woman, second is child-bearing) because, well no one told me. It was never discussed, like a dirty little secret.
Was this a mid-life crisis? I was exhausted, stressed to the max, couldn’t think straight, gained weight, got depressed and bad behaviors got ugly (men this can happen to you too).
It shattered me to my core.
I was in a massive menopause meltdown.
And I was in shock.
I was dumbfounded it could happen so early and livid about the lack of information available about what to do to feel better and navigate my way back to health.
I was forced to stop and reevaluate my life and ultimately led me to become a professional Health, Wellness and Life Coach. I knew, I was not giving up, I was going to fight like hell to live forward in my precious life.
My journalism background jump-started my internal investigation into health, well-being, anatomy, physiology, hormones and the true meaning of wellness. I read, researched, studied, and interviewed experts. I confided in friends. I experimented with products and potions. I laughed. I cried. I went all in.
The deepest dive of self-discovery, self-love, self-respect, self-importance and self-care got me my groove back and so much more.
Trust me, it took time, lots of energy and constant attention toward my thoughts, words and actions. But it was worth it.
Especially because it put me on my path of purpose and passion supporting others, like YOU!
And guess what, you don’t have to do it alone - I’m committed to helping you navigate change - the ups, downs and all the in betweens - so you too can achieve a higher level of well-being, be your best version and live forward.
This is possible for you too.
“Kirsten has been an enormous help in getting me back on track with my nutrition and movement. Going into our sessions, I fully expected she could, and would, do that. What I didn’t expect was how much she has helped in getting me to reconnect with myself. It has made a massive difference in how I view myself. That, in turn, has increased my self-confidence, both personally and professionally. I would strongly recommend Kirsten to anyone who needs guidance, leadership, or a great coach to get them to their best self. ”
My meltdown made me an expert in defining, designing and developing effective health habits for both men and women.
It’s what led me to become a NBC-HWC Health and Wellness Coach.
My work is based on empowerment and engagement at the highest level. We work on the inside and we work on the outside both because that is what’s required for sustainable change. My studies and strategies are rooted in science and soulfulness to give a well-rounded platform for transformation. When you truly commit to change and are ready, willing and able to make it a priority, we move forward together.
I serve amazing humans - from busy professionals, busy moms, moms-to-be, empty nesters, retirees, small business owners, corporate and creative executives and more.
Tell me, how can I best serve you?
professional education + training
I am devoted and dedicated to continuous learning so I can best assist your wellness journey.
Board Certified National Health and Wellness Coach (NBC-HWC)
Certified Master Precision Nutrition Coach L1 & L2
Certified CHECK Holistic Lifestyle Coach
Certified Primal Health Coach
Positive Intelligence Gran Recipient
Mindful Meditation & Neuroscience Certification
Vinyasa & Vimana Hot Yoga Teacher Training Certification
Raw/Vegan Cuisine Certification
Raw Food Nutrition Educator Certification
BA Communications - University of Washington
BA Political Science - University of Washington
Entrepreneur & Business Owner
Recipe Development & Meal Planning
Health & Wellness Brand Ambassador
International Journalist & TV Show Host
More questions about health coaching with Kirsten?
Check out Frequently Asked Questions.
“It’s amaing how little action steps each day made such a difference in my overall health. I was feeling so less than, just a shell of myself before I started working with Kirsten. I now eat better, sleep better and take more time for me.”
Ways to Work Together
1:1 Private Coaching
This is where big transformation happens. You have my full attention, knowledge and support. We get clear about your vision and together, we create a future that allows for everything you want and who you want to become.
Group Coaching
This group is a safe space to explore what you want to create more of in your life and the accountability to start to create it.
Next group starts in October 2023.
Sign up for my newsletter so you never miss an event!
Corporate Wellness
I facilitate life, leadership and wellness workshops both virtually and in-person so we can laser focus on a topic and how it may be affecting you, your happiness, productivity and your organization. I work with small and medium size businesses, groups and organizations in all industries.